TOSA Roadmap

The TOSA roadmap

TOSA Release summary and Roadmap

This page describes the release history of TOSA as well as the current roadmap.

Version Date Status Summary of key changes
0.20 2020-10-29 Released Base and Main inference specification initial draft
0.22 2021-03-23 Released Base inference specification improvements
0.23 2021-11-03 Released Base inference reference model released
0.30 2022-06-19 Released Base inference profile conformance tests released
Main inference floating point precisions added
0.40 2022-08-31 Released Move to machine readable xml specification for parameters
The arguments and data type sections are auto-generated
0.50 2022-12-07 Released Addition of level specification (parameter ranges)
0.60 2023-03-15 Released Main inference draft conformance specification
0.70 2023-06-01 Released Improved use of XML specification version, refine floating-point precision requirements
0.80 2023-09-18 Released ERF/ARGSORT operators, Stateful operators
0.90 2024-03-26 Released Pseudocode cleanup
Conformance improvements
1.0 2025 May In Progress Profile name changes (Integer and Floating-Point).
Add extension mechanism and extensions for data types and functionaltiy.
Complete review and alignment of operators, pseudocode, and test suite.
1.1 2026 May Concept TBD. Will be backward compatible with version 1.0

Future release dates subject to change